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Business Result U-INT Teacher's Book PK
“Business Result is excellent! It’s concise and up-to-date, and the DVD-ROM provides plenty of extra practice as well as all the audio and video for the students to use outside the classroom.”
Natacha Kasaj – Chargée de Formation – Centre d’Etude de Langues -Pôle Formation CCI Colmar, Alsace, France.
Business Result combines a communicative approach with authentic business material and digital multi-media, to give in-work and pre-work students relevant and immediate communication skills.
Business Result's new video material brings the world of business into the classroom. Each unit includes a video clip that can be used as a focal point of discussion, to develop students' listening skills, introduce new vocabulary and teach the business communication skills that students need in context.
Business Result also provides skills and strategies for different business scenarios, such as talking to suppliers, entertaining customers, or updating colleagues. These help students to communicate confidently in everyday situations. They focus on key expressions, and then build up to a final task in which they put the new language into practice. Language and skills practice is available through activities in the Student's Book, the Workbook (available on DVD-ROM or online), and practice files on the Teacher's and Student's Websites.
The Online Workbook enables independent learning at a pace to suit each student. Students can check their own progress with automatic marking and can download the class audio as mp3s to listen to when not online. Teachers can track students' progress, and use the Discussion tool and topics provided to take teaching outside the classroom.
Case studies with the Cranfield Expert View (not applicable to Starter level) present profiles of genuine organizations to make the learning context more authentic. This helps students understand how they can adapt their new-found language to real working life.
Skills for Business Studies can optionally be added to the Business Result package, and provides academic skills practice for Business Studies students.
ISBN | 9780194768153 |
Cod produs | O164 |