FAIMA Business & Management Journal – volume 6, issue 2, June 2018

Autor(i): Colectiv Politehnica

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Data livrare: 19-02-2025

FAIMA Vol 6 - Issue 2 [Iunie 2018]






The Way to Efficiency                                                            3

Florin Danalache


Innovation in Business Models                                                         5

Valentin-Andrei Manescu, Gheorghe Militaru,

Massimo Pollifroni


The Use of Performance Management Systems                              17

Olivia Doina Negoita


Introducing Work Cells in Cadastral Services                                   24

Radu-Florian Belloiu, Cezar Scarlat, Cristian Niculescu


A Systematic Approach of Innovation Management                       35

Titu-Marius Bajenescu


Algorithms for Data and Process Mining                                         45

Maha Zayoud, Yehia Kotb, Sorin Ionescu


Modeling Processes to Meet Organisational Objectives                 57

Bogdan Fleaca, Monika Jakubiak


Resistance of Changes Implementation                                           66

Claudia Paula Fuioaga, Costache Rusu


Transfer of Innovations to the Private Sector                                  78

Diana Mura Badea, Mihaela Guda, Valentina Bajenaru,

Dumitru Vlad, Florin Teodor Tanasescu




The Way to Efficiency



What was considered a good management technique years ago may be considered a poor or even counterproductive management technique today. The New Knowledge Economy of Rampant Change and Rapid Globalization require a new Man­agement model capable to face with challenges for the 21st Century (Peter Drucker): a systematic and organized method for obtaining information about the context of the business in the economy, its market and its pool of competitors; integration of what was once several procedures (e.g. value analysis, process analysis, quality management and costing into a single analysis).

Management strategies and techniques change over time largely because of businesses themselves and the societies that they operate in change as well.

Surprisingly, scholars have paid little attention to the process of management innovation. London Business School (Julian Birkinshaw and Michael Mol), identified 175 significant management innovations from 1900 to 2000 which were evaluated after three dimensions: Was it a marked departure from previous management practices? Did it confer a competitive advantage on the pioneering company or companies? And could it be found in some form in organizations today? Considering these criteria, here are a dozen of the most note­worthy innovations: Scientific management (time and motion studies); Cost accounting and variance analysis; The commercial research laboratory (the industrialization of science); ROI analysis and capital budgeting; Brand management; Large-scale project management; Divisionalization; Leadership development; Industry con­sortia (multicompany collaborative structures); Radical decentralization (self-organization); Formalized strategic analysis; Employee-driven problem solving. Important in­novations that didn’t quite make this list include Skunk Works, account management, business process reengineering, and employee stock ownership plans.

The last decade of the 20th century brought to the fore other new managerial methods: Six Sigma, Knowledge Management, Business Intelligence.

Innovation in management is based on the interdependence between the various man­ag­ement schools that have emerged and developed in various geographical areas charac­ter­ized by different cultures, technologies and business models. Following are several modern management techniques that are currently being used successfully (www.mbaknol.com).

Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) helps to identify threats to an existing business and it also provides guidance on how to deal with the occurrence of events such as terrorism, fire, earthquake and flood.

Guerilla Marketing which was coined by the great marketer Jay Conrad Levinson was created originally as an unconventional system of promotions that relies on time, energy and imagination.

Hierarchy of Effects Model is another widely used model in marketing management that at­tempts to explain consumer decision making pro­cess.

Spiral of Silence theory, elaborated by Elizabeth Noelle-Neumann, analyses and dem­on­strates how interpersonal communication and media operate together in the development of public opinion.

Cost control techniques consist of those actions necessary to assure that the business operations are focused on attaining established objectives goals and plans.

Outsourcing of training and development activities means comprehensive end-to-end outsourcing from the management of the training function to the design, delivery and reporting.

Bowman’s Strategy Clock is a model used in marketing to analyses the competitive position of a company in comparison to the offerings of competitors.

Ashridge portfolio matrix is a strategic tool used to evaluate the attractiveness of potential acquisition target or existing business to the parent.

Fitzgerald and Moon’s Building Block Model suggests the solution of performance measurement problems in service industries and can be applied to other manufacturing and retail businesses to evaluate business performance too.

Role of Leadership in Organizations. What is that differentiating successful organization from the rest in this competitive world? It is effective and dynamic leadership.

The future keeps us a lot of surprises about managerial methods and techniques. The influence of the introduction of IT and the structural changes of companies due to the globalization process oblige managers to find new solutions to solve the new problems they are facing.

Innovation is not just a technique. It involves a long process of transition from the idea to its use. „Above all, innovation is not invention. It is a term of economics ra­ther than technology. Non-technological innovations – social or economic innovations – are at least as im­portant as technological ones.” (Peter Drucker). And as you can see, companies are boasting not only new products but also new management methods.


Florin Danalache

Senior Editor



Innovation in Business Models


Valentin-Andrei Manescu (1), Gheorghe Militaru (2), Massimo Pollifroni (3)

(1) Webecom Bucharest, Romania, (2) University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania,

(3) University of Turin, Italy


ABSTRACT: The objective of this article is to identify the opportunities created by the fast-growing businesses analysed by the specialists. The innovation in entrepreneurship industry and the dynamics of the business ecosystem generated a high volume of ideas, models and commerce techniques. Because of this, the entrepreneurship community needs a synthesis for identifying the real opportunities offered by the consumerism wave and high-speed communication. This study is an information source for those ones who wants to choose a specific business niche and those ones who wish to develop their business models to the actual needs of the customers. This study is addressed to top managers and also to a variety of specialist. The specialist from many industries could learn fast and develop their solutions to be adapted to the actual needs, expanding on others industries. Our contribution to this study will be to identify the most attractive business sectors at this moment and to analyse them from a practical point of view. Using this study, entrepreneurs could transfer business innovation from a high competitive market to those ones which could grow fast.


Keywords: new business models, technologic entrepreneurship, digital economy






The Use of Performance Management Systems


Olivia Doina Negoita

University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania


ABSTRACT: Performance management consists of a set of objectives with that each employee can be measured. It also refers to learning and development for higher performance in the workplace. Each employee should be motivated to improve the skills, abilities, competencies, development and delivery of results. In this research paper, the author aims at presenting the benefits obtained by a company from applying a performance management system. For the analysis, the author chose to use a qualitative approach by interviewing several human resources managers from Romanian companies regarding their experience with such systems.


Keywords: performance management systems, human resources management







Introducing Work Cells in Cadastral Services


Radu-Florian Belloiu (1), Cezar Scarlat (2), Cristian Niculescu (2)

(1) Geoagri Cadastru Bucharest, Romania, (2) University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania


ABSTRACT: In a very competitive market like the cadastral services market is in Romania every step towards obtaining and maintaining a durable competitive advantage is a battle on its own. Modern management tools and methodologies are being used in that direction. The current study presents one part of the Lean transformation of a cadastral services company, the introduction of work cells in the process of composing the cadastral file. The study started with an analysis of the process and proposed a major restructuring by implementing work cells. Based on a thorough understanding of the layout and the workload for each process step, this initiative transformed the process and improved its output. The result was a significant increase in the volume of cadastral files with the same workforce.


Keywords: lean, cadaster services, work cells






A Systematic Approach of Innovation Management


Titu-Marius Bajenescu

La Conversion, Switzerland


ABSTRACT: Innovation is work rather than genius; innovation is the work of knowing rather than doing. Essential is a commitment to the systematic practice of innovation. Management must establish the right roles and processes, set clear goals and relevant measures, and review progress at every step. To be effective, an innovation has to be simple, and it has to be focused. Effective innovations start small. Innovation can be systematically managed – if one knows where and how to look.


Keywords: design, innovation, innovation strategies, technology management






Algorithms for Data and Process Mining


Maha Zayoud (1), Yehia Kotb (1), Sorin Ionescu (2)

(1) American University of The Middle East, Kuwait, (2) University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania


ABSTRACT: This paper introduces a problem based classification for mining algorithms. Proposed classification specifies which algorithm is more suitable for the solution of which type of problems. It covers the most spectrum of issues and problems related to data mining starting from data preparation, to actual mining, to result in interpretation and ending with result verification. Result verification is the process of verifying the correctness and consistency of the knowledge generated out of mining. The differences between data and process mining paradigms are highlighted and discussed in this paper. An explanation of well-known algorithms for data and process mining is presented, these algorithms are influential to the research community.


Keywords: process mining, data mining, big data, business process management, management information systems






Modeling Processes to Meet Organisational Objectives


Bogdan Fleaca (1), Monika Jakubiak (2)

(1) University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania, (2) Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland


ABSTRACT: Achieving organizational goals at department level is critical to build a well-defined structure to help achieve desired and anticipated business results. The structure captures the process model proposed and developed in this paper and presents the methodology of modelling the process of implementing commercial activities. Also, the essential quality features necessary to be used in this type of structure are presented. The paper is limited to the commercial function of the organization, regardless of its type, size or operating sector. From all processes linked to this function, the authors present the planning phase. The paper presents the essential elements needed to create and develop commercial process planning, consisting in nominating the work areas with related responsibilities, to the way of using input variables, and in modelling output variables. The planning activities to develop commercial function are presented as a structured process with identified components which are interconnected and endowed with decision points. After ending the planning process, the follow continues with other necessary steps in terms of verifying the structure of the process model to be in line with the organization strategy and with the desired outcomes of the objectives, and of controlling step in which the management staff should collect information for the process adjustment or to changes the input variables.


Keywords: business process management, process modelling, quality planning, commercial function








Resistance of Changes Implementation


Claudia Paula Fuioaga, Costache Rusu

„Gh. Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Romania


ABSTRACT: In the current context in which organizations need to face constant, simultaneous, and violent changes, resistance to change has become a big and continuous challenge for managers. Despite the efforts made in enterprises, this issue continues to create difficulties in practice, and the success rate of the change processes is still low. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the resistance to change in Romanian companies, as an obstacle to change implementation processes. In order to analyze this issue, a questionnaire was applied in companies from the north-east region of Romania. The article presents how managers need to consider the different di­mensions of resistance to change, in order to overcome the employees’ resistance in Romanian companies. The paper highlights the correlations between the specific dimensions of resistance to change in Romania. New solutions for overcome this phenomenon will be presented. Implications for the firms are important in terms of designing strategies to ensure successful change implementation in Romanian cultural and economic context.


Keywords: organizational resistance to change, overcome resistance to change






Transfer of Innovations to the Private Sector


Diana Mura Badea (1), Mihaela Guda (2), Valentina Bajenaru (1),

Dumitru Vlad (1), Florin Teodor Tanasescu (3)

(1) INCD-MTM Bucharest, Romania, (2) Ministry of Research and Innovation Bucharest, Romania, (3) Romanian Electrotechnical Committee Bucharest, Romania


ABSTRACT: This paper presents the way in which the research results of a national RDI institute can be transferred to stakeholder companies. Informal transfer of knowledge, jointly prepared scientific works, access to laboratories intensify due to the fact that these actions often take place as a result of past collaborations or in the hope of future ones. Companies in Romania are interested in the transfer of certain research results, but they do not have the necessary financial resources to buy the researcher’s industrial property rights, nor the funds required to prepare for production and release of a product on the market.


Keywords: technology transfer, research

Date tehnice
Autor(i) Colectiv Politehnica
Număr pagini 88
Anul apariţiei 2018
ISBN 2344-4088
Format carte 20 x 26 cm
Cod produs FAIMA - 18
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