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Family and Friends Starter Teacher's Resource Pack
Language Level: Beginner
Family and Friends Starter offers a carefully graded approach to reading, writing and literacy skills in English to young learners.
Family and Friends Starter gives young learners a solid foundation in English. With a carefully graded reading and writing syllabus, accompanied by a clear phonics programme, the course takes learners from recognizing and tracing letters to writing and reading simple sentences with confidence.
The step-by-step approach of this course and motivating lessons using songs, chants, stickers and story role-playing enable children to progress quickly in English.
Key features:
- Carefully graded reading and writing syllabus helps learners progress quickly from identifying and tracing letters to reading and writing simple sentences
- Step-by-step phonics programme introduces sounds in a fun way and supports the reading and writing syllabus
- Left-to-right progression practice helps children who use a non-Roman alphabet
- Varied activities in every unit and use of songs, chants, story role-playing and stickers make English memorable and suits different learning styles
- Extensive range of print and digital support materials for teachers, including tests and assessment
- Social and emotional skills are developed to educate the whole child through English
ISBN | 9780194811965 |
Cod produs | O1479 |
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