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A six-level course that gives children more vocabulary, more reading, and more lessons than other primary courses. Your pupils will definitely learn more!
Incredible English offers you more than any other primary course!
A wide range of brain challenging activities and a unique spy-hole bookmark help you teach more words every lesson.
Entertaining cross-curricular lessons and CLIL posters make it easy for you to teach other subjects through English.
And with a huge range of components, including a puppet and digital resources for interactive whiteboards, you get more and your pupils learn more!
Key features:
- Written by top primary authors, including Sarah Phillips, an expert on how children learn.
- A CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) section in every unit teaches students other subjects through English.
- CLIL posters in levels 3-6 extend the topics of the units.
- Substantial resource pack includes Norton the puppet, flashcards, photocopiable masters, and story frames book.
- The unique Fixit Game Poster lets children see what they're learning in an engaging, visual way.
- Cartoon stories written by the award-winning children's author Michaela Morgan.
Autor(i) | Sarah Phillips, Michaela Morgan, Peter Redpath, and Mary Slattery |
ISBN | 9780194440745 |
Cod produs | O585 |
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