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International Conference on Interdisciplinary Management of Diabetes Mellitus and its Complications – INTERDIAB 2015 / Interdisciplinary Approaches in Diabetic Chronic Kidney Disease
Association for Reno-Metabolic and Nutrition Studies – ASRMN, has the main purpose to advance the knowledge of nutrition and metabolism in renal diseases and to foster communication of the advancements of this knowledge by means of scientific meetings and cooperation with other scientific and professional societies: nephrology, nutrition, cardiology, endocrinology and neurology.
INTERDIAB as one of the main projects of ASRMN has the aim to promote the original work of young researchers – students, residents, PhD students and specialists – to create a forum for discussion and debate between specialists involved in the complex care of the patients with diabetes mellitus. We strongly believe that interdisciplinarity is the future of diabetes mellitus management.
Autor(i) | Octavian Negoita (coordonator) |
Număr pagini | 368 |
Anul apariţiei | 2015 |
ISBN | 2393-3488 |
Format carte | 16 x 23 cm |
Cod produs | INTERDIAB 2015 |