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Mouse and Me 2 Teacher's Book PK
Share the adventures of Daisy, Robin and their favourite toy, Mouse, as they dress up in different costumes and explore the world through imaginative play! This course takes a whole-child approach, embracing multiple intelligences to give every student the best start to their English learning journey.
Explore the world through imaginative play with Daisy, Robin and Mouse!
Mouse and Me!’s lively adventures featuring Daisy, Robin and Mouse’s different costumes capture children’s imaginations and teach important values.
Engaging cross-curricular Smart topics develop multiple intelligences, and the fun action songs, crafts, stories with opportunities to join in, and pop-outs encourage hands-on learning.
The abundant videos bring the characters and stories to life, and the real world - and real English - into the classroom.
The rich package of integrated print and digital resources and easy-to-teach methodology gives you all the support you need.
Key features:
Mouse and Me!’s lively adventures featuring Daisy, Robin and Mouse’s different costumes capture children’s imaginations and teach important values.
Whole-child approach supports children’s cognitive, emotional, physical, social and language development.
Cross-curricular Smart topics develop multiple intelligences.
Encourages learning by doing with interactive songs, stories with opportunities to join in, crafts, indoor and outdoor activities, a fun mouse puppet and 3D pop-outs.
Digital material for every lesson, including live-action songs, cross-curricular real world clips, story and song animations.
Flexible and fun phonics programme.
Autor(i) | Mary Charrington, Charlotte Covill |
ISBN | 9780194822060 |
Cod produs | O2458 |