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ORI Beginner: Crocodile In The House AB
Oxford Read and Imagine invites young readers into an exciting world of great stories. Follow Rosie, Ben, Grandpa and his robot Clunk on their adventures in Grandpa’s fantastic van. This series provides a motivating way to increase contact time with English, both in and out of class.
Watch your students grow up with Rosie and Ben as they enjoy reading at the right level. The language is carefully graded so the Readers are easy to use alongside any coursebook or for reading alone.
A powerful partnership with the non-fiction series Oxford Read and Discover means students can explore the same topic through fact and fiction. Read an adventure set in Africa’s Serengeti, Can You see Lions? and then find out more about how animals use camouflage in Oxford Read and Discover Camouflage.
Learners can complete activities whilst reading or after reading – some with supporting activities for the Cambridge Young Learner Test. Picture dictionaries and glossaries help with unknown words along the way.
Key features:
9-level fiction series that grows up with the young learners.
First three levels are for pre-school.
Exciting stories – follow Rosie, Ben, and Grandpa on their adventures.
Stories at Levels 1 to 6 link to non-fiction Oxford Read and Discover Readers.
In-book activities include Cambridge Young Learners Exams preparation and KET and PET at levels 5 and 6.
Audio in both American or British English.
Free audio for Early Starter, Starter, and Beginner levels.
Selected print-readers are also available as interactive e-books with animated stories, pop-up vocabulary support, and games.
Online Teacher’s Handbook with Photocopiable Worksheets and Answer Keys.
Autor(i) | Paul Shipton |
ISBN | 9780194722193 |
Cod produs | O2348 |