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Oxf Prep and Prac for Cambridge Engl First for Sch Exam Trainer SB PK with Key
Data livrare: 12-09-2024
Language Level: B2
An exam preparation title for teachers looking to prepare students for the Cambridge English B2 First for Schools exam in conjunction with a main course book. Through its combination of systematic training activities and practice tests, students will be well prepared and can sit the exam with confidence.
This Student's Book Pack contains all the resources your students need to achieve success in the Cambridge English B2 First for Schools exam, including seven practice tests (six print tests and one online), a speaking DVD-ROM, two audio CDs, and a key containing explanatory answer keys and model writing answers. It also features specific training on how to approach every task type in the exam.
Through its combination of systematic training activities and practice tests, students will be well prepared and can sit the exam with confidence.
Key features:
- Exam training for every task type.
- 7 practice tests- 6 tests in this book and access to 1 Online Practice Test.
- Online Practice Test with automatic marking, instant feedback on answers, tips and Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary search to support independent learning.
- Explanatory answer key with sample Writing answers and examiner commentary to improve students' confidence.
- Audio for listening tests on CD and mp3 download.
- Speaking DVD shows candidates doing Speaking tests with analysis by examiners to boost students' performance.
ISBN | 9780194115209 |
Vârsta | Adulti |
Cod produs | O2700 |