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Oxford Wordpower Dictionary, 4th Edition Pack
Data livrare: 20-01-2025
Language Level: Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate (B1-B2)
Updated with the latest vocabulary and NEW Oxford iWriter on CD-ROM, the new edition of Wordpower builds vocabulary fast and develops writing skills.
Updated with over 500 new words, phrases and meanings, Oxford Wordpower Dictionary is a corpus-based dictionary that provides the tools intermediate learners need to build vocabulary and prepare for exams. Oxford 3000™ keyword entries show the most important words to know in English. This edition includes new Topic Notes, Exam Tips and Writing Tips, and a 16-page Oxford Writing Tutor.
Students can search the A-Z dictionary by word or topic on the CD-ROM, and use the exercises to practise for international exams.
NEW on the CD-ROM: Oxford iWriter for B1-B2 students to develop writing skills, and the iGuide, an interactive tutorial to help students explore dictionary entries.
Key features:
- 45,000+ words, phrases, and meanings, including over 500 NEW words
- Oxford 3000™ keyword entries show students the most important words to know in English
- Shortcuts take students quickly to the meaning they want in long entries
- NEW Topic Notes give the language and information to help students talk confidently about topics such as podcasts, smartphones, social networking, etc.
- NEW Exam Tips offer practical help with exam preparation
- 'Other Words for' notes give synonyms to extend and bring variety to students' language
- 16 pages of colour illustrations show words in topic groups
- Two NEW tools for developing writing skills at intermediate (B1-B2) level: Oxford iWriter on CD-ROM and 16-page Oxford Writing Tutor section
Anul apariţiei | 2014 |
ISBN | 9780194398237 |
Format carte | 14.4 x 3.7 x 20.1 cm |
Vârsta | Adulti |
Cod produs | O1710 |