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Project, Fourth Edition, Level 3 Teacher's Book
Acest produs este disponibil doar la comandă
Durată livrare: 3-4 săptămâni
Preț special
77,40 Lei
Preț standard
86,00 Lei
The new components available with the fourth edition ensure that you have all the support you need.
Pitch your tests perfectly to the level of your students with the Project Fourth edition test generator. Creating the test yourself with just a few clicks of the mouse allows you to choose exactly what is tested and rules out any chance of your students getting hold of the test before you want them to. The test generator automatically generates the matching answer key for your test making marking easy.
You will never run out of material with Project fourth edition. As well as the core units in the Student's Book there are additional photocopiable worksheets and interactive exercises on the Teacher's Resource Multi-ROM. There is also new video material with accompanying worksheets for all the culture topics in the Student’s Book, giving you an alternative way to cover the topics. The extensive reading bank at the back of the Student’s Book could be used as extension material for fast finishers or as whole class material. All the stories include dialogue so why not get your students to act them out in class?
Pitch your tests perfectly to the level of your students with the Project Fourth edition test generator. Creating the test yourself with just a few clicks of the mouse allows you to choose exactly what is tested and rules out any chance of your students getting hold of the test before you want them to. The test generator automatically generates the matching answer key for your test making marking easy.
You will never run out of material with Project fourth edition. As well as the core units in the Student's Book there are additional photocopiable worksheets and interactive exercises on the Teacher's Resource Multi-ROM. There is also new video material with accompanying worksheets for all the culture topics in the Student’s Book, giving you an alternative way to cover the topics. The extensive reading bank at the back of the Student’s Book could be used as extension material for fast finishers or as whole class material. All the stories include dialogue so why not get your students to act them out in class?
Autor(i) | Tom Hutchinson, Zoltan Rezmuves |
Număr pagini | 112 |
Anul apariţiei | 2012 |
ISBN | 9780194765619 |
Format carte | 21 x 27 cm |
Vârsta | Adulti |
Cod produs | O1612 |
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