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Show and Tell 2E Level 3 Literacy Book
Language Level: Pre-school / Kindergarten Pre - A1
The 2nd edition of Show and Tell builds on its tried and tested methodology, developing 21st Century Skills in critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity, to prepare students for future success both inside and outside the classroom.
The Show and Tell Literacy Book helps students further develop early literacy and phonics skills.
Use alongside the Student Book to provide extra reading and writing practice, equipping students with the skills they need for Primary school.
Key features:
- Provides extra reading and writing practice.
- Each four-page unit provides practice of identfying, producing, reading and writing the sound-spelling patterns, first in isolation and then in words and short texts. The texts include rhymes, simple stories and non-fiction texts.
- The Literacy Book now supports Show and Tell across all levels.
- Level 1: introduces the letters and sounds of the alphabet.
- Level 2: reviews the alphabet.
- Level 3: builds on previous knowledge and covers common vowel sounds and spellings.
- The Literacy Book is best used before the Say it with me lesson so that students have phonics practice little and often.
Autor(i) | Gabby Pritchard, Margaret Whitfieldand, Kathryn Harper |
ISBN | 9780194054812 |
Cod produs | O2858 |
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