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Solutions 2E Intermediate DVD-ROM
Acest produs este disponibil doar la comandă
Durată livrare: 3-4 săptămâni
Language Level: Intermediate (B1-B2)
The Solutions Second Edition DVD-ROM material and worksheets bring the language to life by taking it out of the classroom and into authentic settings.
Through video clips language is brought to life in authentic settings by real people.
The DVD-ROM contains a mixture of interviews, documentary-style cultural clips and functional dialogue scenes. Corresponding activities from the Listening, Culture or Everyday English lessons in the Students Book help students explore the video content in more depth.
The video material matches the level of the unit and reinforces the specific grammar and vocabulary being taught, as well as exploring topics of interest to students.
The video content helps students absorb key communication skills such as pronunciation and intonation, and the accompanying DVD-ROM worksheets provide you with ready-made, preparation-free lessons.
Key features:
- DVD material tightly linked to every Culture, Reading, or Speaking lesson in the Student's Book reinforces the grammar and vocabulary being taught and presents it in a different context
- Documentary-style episodes, interviews, and functional dialogues provide speaking models, realistic listening practice, and cross-cultural insights
- Worksheets for use in class provide ready-made lessons for the teacher, and are perfectly matched to the level of the unit
Autor(i) | Tim Falla and Paul A Davies |
ISBN | 9780194552752 |
Format carte | DVD-ROM |
Cod produs | O1619 |