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Solutions 2nd Edition Pre-Intermediate: Workbook
The Solutions Second Edition Workbook and Audio CD Pack supports the Student's Book content with plenty of extra practice and revision, while the CD provides a huge number of extra listening opportunities.
Perfect for mixed-ability classrooms, the Workbook provides extra reading and writing revision and reference material for weaker students, as well as Challenge and Vocabulary Builder extension activities for stronger learners. The accompanying CD means that students can extend their listening practice beyond the classroom. The regular reviews allow teachers to monitor their students' progress, while continued revision of the material builds students' confidence.
• Clear structure, closely mirroring the Student's Book content
• New listening tasks per unit, with all audio contained on the CD
• Lots of exam practice throughout the pages and in the Get Ready for your Exam sections
• Plenty of revision, reviews for each pair of units, and a self-check page (and answers provided) at the end of every unit
Perfect for mixed-ability classrooms, the Workbook provides extra reading and writing revision and reference material for weaker students, as well as Challenge and Vocabulary Builder extension activities for stronger learners. The accompanying CD means that students can extend their listening practice beyond the classroom. The regular reviews allow teachers to monitor their students' progress, while continued revision of the material builds students' confidence.
• Clear structure, closely mirroring the Student's Book content
• New listening tasks per unit, with all audio contained on the CD
• Lots of exam practice throughout the pages and in the Get Ready for your Exam sections
• Plenty of revision, reviews for each pair of units, and a self-check page (and answers provided) at the end of every unit
Autor(i) | Tim Falla, Paul A. Davies |
Număr pagini | 119 |
Anul apariţiei | 2012 |
ISBN | 9780194553278 |
Format carte | 21 x 27 cm |
Cod produs | O2893 |
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